Empowering African Art Collectors Worldwide

Connecting Enthusiasts, Galleries, Artists, and Collectors for a Vibrant Art Exchange

Welcome to Collectors of African Art!

Art collecting goes beyond mere decoration; it's a dynamic exchange that fuels creativity and sustains artists. Collectors of African Art (CAA) is more than a platform; it's a catalyst for a new era of informed and passionate collectors who champion African art globally. Join us in promoting cultural awareness and supporting emerging talents.

Our Programming

We offer not just a combination of inspirational and practical information, but also a network of like-minded people, and direct access to artists, art professionals, and collectors. We curate the programming around the themes below.


Get inspired by conversations and sound bites from people who create; collect and preserve African Art as they share their knowledge and experience with a new generation of collectors


Find out what's going on in the contemporary African art world through gallery and art fair tours in cities like Johannesburg, Harare, Lagos, Kampala; Nairobi Accra, and more

Behind the scenes

Go to places you wouldn't otherwise have access to and discover the talent of the future in art schools and institutions as well as auction houses that offer unique behind-the-scenes insights into how the primary and secondary market works allowing you to explore the art world from various angles


Get your art knowledge up to speed through masterclasses where you'll learn about the ins and outs of art forms like video art, street art, sculpture, photography, NFTs. and more from scholars, journalists, critics, artists, and curators who share exclusive insights into their field.

Upcoming Small Group Trips for African Art Collectors!

Explore our upcoming small group tours focused on African art collection. Click on each trip to view details and reserve your spot today!

Let's Start Your African Art Journey Together.

Reach Out for Inquiries, Bookings, or Any Assistance Regarding Our African Art Tours.
(c) Collectors of African Art 2024